Meet Jenny Kim, New SFP Teacher

Hi SFP friends and family!

I just wanted to start this blog with a brief introduction of myself, as I’ll probably see most of you in the studio! I recently completed and passed my Pilates teacher training through Lolita’s Legacy Program under the training/mentorship of Jennie and Brittany.  I may be new to teaching, but my love of Pilates started long ago.

I grew up in San Diego all my life, but was born in South Korea. My parents immigrated to San Diego in their twenties and I was 8-months-old. My mom put me in ballet in elementary school, and I also participated in cheerleading for our local recreation center. Fast forward to high school, where everything is pretty awkward and you’re consumed with questions about life’s uncertainties:  love, homework, and that pestering voice in the back of your mind occasionally asking you what you are going to do for the rest of your life.  I needed a constant force of positive energy to keep my maturing brain from freaking out. I found this form of energy through movement. Whether it was dancing, running, basketball, kickboxing, biking, yoga, swimming, etc., I became very interested in various forms of exercise and then I found Pilates. *Applause*

jenny kim

However! My first experience with Pilates wasn’t necessarily the most intriguing. Actually, itwas quite disappointing. I remember taking a mat class at the gym and thought, “Wow. How boring and inefficient.” The instructor did the entire workout along with the class and without any effective cues, so I had to consistently strain my neck mid-exercise to look at her for guidance. I walked out of class feeling displeased, unsatisfied, and with a disgruntled neck. I then started thinking of ways of how that class could have been taught better. I then became really interested in learning and knowing more about Pilates, so I sought out for Pilates studios nearby. I then started taking classes on the regular all throughout high school and continued on into college. It brought me happiness, and calmed my nerves if I had a stressful day at school.  And it was the only form of exercise I wasn’t getting tired of. Whenever I saw apprentices in training, I was always intrigued and interested. I then found myself daydreaming about teaching Pilates and thought to myself, I could do it too.

Fast forward to adult Jenny’s life and stressful corporate jobs! My exercise path was put on hold. Fitting exercise in with a full time job was a constant struggle for me:  feeling too tired, feeling too lazy, wanting to relax and drink wine, bring on all of the excuses! I then became extremely unhappy. I started feeling anxious, getting panic attacks, experiencing chest pain and realized that I hated working for a job that was unfulfilling and passionless.

I went to see my doctor for my anxiety and I told him I wanted to quit my job and get into the fitness industry. I told him I loved Pilates and exercising and wanted to pursue becoming an instructor, which had always been something that I wanted to do. He told me that his daughter, who also happened to share my same name (it was meant to be), had a studio in Bay Park offering Classical Pilates and a teacher training program.

I am now a Pilates teacher, learning and sharing the love and passion of Joseph Pilates' classical teachings and LOVING every minute of life.

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